Kingdom of the dead bone key
Kingdom of the dead bone key

kingdom of the dead bone key

Since he is such a shy, lone man it takes time to accumulate knowledge of the other people in his world. Her character, Kyle Murchison Booth, is eccentric yet sympathetic and appealing. Short, with as much of the stories left to the imagination as she puts into words, the language is reminiscent of the old fiction Monette says she loves. The stories in The Bone Key are pure gold. Monette names James and Lovecraft as two important influences on her desire to write fantastic fiction, noting that although she loves their use of language and crafting of story, she missed a more modern examination of the sexual and psychological aspects of characters. Monette took the time, and what she said about literature and horror struck a chord with me. I love it when an author takes the time and trouble to include an introduction, or forward. Monette continues to give us some more of Booth's experiences. I am very pleased to have found these stories and I hope Ms. I think this adds to the fantastic nature of the stories and keeps the reader just a little off balance. However, this is never spelled out and the setting is kept rather vague. They SEEM to be set in a moderate sized city somewhere in New England during the 1930's. They don't seem to be firmly set in any particular time or place. The stories are supposed to be Booth's personal journals. "Wait for Me" - the Museum comes into possession of some very nasty diaries and "The Wall of Clouds" - Booth goes to a very peculiar spa to recuperate from a severe illness. My favorite stories are "The Venebretti Necklace" - Booth and the fabulous and unflappable Miss Coburn dig (quite literally) into the story of a cursed necklace, Although he is somewhat socially awkward, he gives a vivid and often dryly amusing description of the unusual events which center around himself and his work place, the Parrington Museum. Sarah Monette has created a memorable narrator in the person of Kyle Murchison Booth. So I am very happy to have found this collection. Unfortunately, many turned out to be horror stories, monster stories or even contes cruels. I have been buying a number of books purported to contain ghost stories. "The Bone Key" bietet ein stimmungsvolles Leseerlebnis und ist für Freunde des Unheimlichen unbedingt zu empfehlen. Die einzelnen Geschichten wirken auf den ersten Blick nicht besonders schreckenerregend, hinterlassen aber fast ausnahmslos ein unheimliches Gefühl beim Leser. Sarah Monette setzt in "The Bone Key" nicht auf plumpen Horror sondern auf subtilen Grusel. Sein Verantwortungsbewusstsein und sein scheinbar natürliches Gespür für das Mysteriöse machen ihm allerdings immer wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Es werden immer wieder Stückchen von Booths Vergangenheit aufgedeckt, die erklären, wie er zu dem Mann wurde, der er ist.īooth ist ein mehr als unfreiwilliger Held, der die Konfrontation mit dem Übernatürlichen nicht sucht und ihr am liebsten aus dem Weg gehen würde. Er hat mehrere Begegnungen mit Geistern, mit Ghouls, ein Inkubus kreuzt seinen Weg und ein schauriges Familiengeheimnis wird aufgedeckt. In "The Bone Key" erlebt Kyle Murchinson Booth in neun Kurzgeschichten mysteriöse und unheimliche Begebenheiten.ĭer wahnsinnig schüchterne und im Umgang mit anderen Menschen unbeholfene Booth kommt durch einen alten Schulfreund in Kontakt mit Nekromantie und ab diesem Zeitpunkt scheint er das Übernatürliche geradezu magnetisch anzuziehen.

Kingdom of the dead bone key